Nicole is Special Counsel in our Pro Bono group.She acts for marginalised and disadvantaged individuals and organisations representing those who cannot otherwise afford legal assistance. Nicole acts across a range of legal areas focusing on legal issues affecting First Nations Australians, people with disabilities and refugees.
Nicole has broad experience in the areas impacting our clients including consumer law, judicial review, human rights, not-for-profit law and inquiries. Nicole is focused on using her expertise to improve access to justice and advocate for systemic change.
Nicole’s experience includes advising:
Equality Australia in Equality Australia Ltd v Commissioner of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission [2024] FCAFC 115.
The applicant in CDK16 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2020] FCA 1837.
Individuals in the Administrative Review Tribunal in the areas of protection visas and NDIS appeals.
Families of the deceased in inquests, particularly families of people who died in custody and/or people with mental illness.
First Nations communities to develop legal structures and arrangements that support self-determination and cultural decision-making.
On law and policy reform on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and acquired brain injury, in particular ensuring they are taken into account in law and policy in the areas of criminal justice, welfare and education.